Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Favourite 2.0 technologies

Today, I thought I would share a couple of my favourite web 2.0 applications at the moment, so here they are:

1. Protopage (www.protopage.com) - A personal web portal that is highly configurable, and allows users to create multiple tabbed portal pages with varying access permissions. With Protopage it is possible to have a private homepage with all the inboxes of your various email accounts, personal bookmarks, RSS feeds, games etc. and have similar pages that you can password protect for invited access or create public pages and share your favourite bookmarks, RSS feeds...

2. Pandora. (www.pandora.com) - Internet Radio that allows its users to create, share and save their own stations, and it’s free! As you add particular songs or groups to an individual station's play list, the Pandora engine will suggest (and play) other groups or songs that are similar (which you can either accept or reject from your playlist). Build, customize and share your own radio stations!

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