Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Conservapedia gives you the straight goods I tells ya

I've officially abandoned Wikipedia - it's just brimming with falsified entries by American bashing far-left types. Each article hosted in this faux encyclopedia is just replete with factual errors and anti-democratic vitriol gathered from Anti-Semitic literature and moldy copies of Pravda. Take Global Warming for example, the Wikipedia entry for this does not even discuss the concept of liberal science conspiracy or leftist control of granting agencies which only fund pro-Global Warming research! How can we take a Global Warming article seriously that doesn’t raise the serious dissident viewpoints advanced by scholarly sources such as Fox News? So, where does one turn to for an online encyclopedia that delivers the straight-goods? Conservapedia of course!

Don’t let the liberal media tell you what to think!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Share your bloglines feeds

Hi folks,

You can easily share your RSS feeds in bloglines with others by selecting "Share" on the main page then posting a link to your blog with the public URL that appears on this page. My public feeds can be found here I've also added a link to my sidebar.


Friday, March 02, 2007

Adding Feeds to Bloglines

1. Click on the "feeds" tab on the far left of the page and "add".

2. Enter the URL of the blog you wish to add to your feeds and hit "subscribe".

3. In this instance there are two types of avaialbe feeds: atom or rss - check mark one or the other (it does'nt matter which). Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and "subscribe".

Adding links to your sidebar

  1. On Blogger’s dashboard under “Manage” click “Layout”.

If you don’t see “links” already on the layout page click “add page element” and add click “Add to Blog” under “Link List”

Create a title for the new link element such as “My Links”, then add links by copying your link into “New site URL” , and add a name under “New Site Name”.
Either hit "Save Changes" if you are done adding links for now, or simply "add link" to continue adding links. (you can add more links later on by clicking 'edit' next to 'links' on the layout page later on).

Thursday, March 01, 2007

waterfront revitalization

"...The misfortune of that area is that nothing ever succeeds there, nothing can ever reach a definite conclusion. Gestures hang in the air, movements are prematurely exhausted and cannot overcome a certain point of inertia. We have already noticed the great bravura and prodigality in intentions, projects, and anticipations which are one of the characteristics of the district. It is in fact no more than a fermentation of desires, prematurely aroused and therefore impotent and empty. In an atmosphere of excessive facility, every whim flies high, a passing excitement swells into an empty parasitic growth; a light gray vegetation of fluffy weeds, of colorless poppies sprouts forth, made from a weightless fabric of nightmares and hashish." - Shultz, The Street of Crocodiles

Learning 2.0

Howdy 2.0'ers

OK. You may have noticed this is my first blog entry in some time. Well, around december I ended up getting into facebook, which made the blog somewhat redundant, but I've decided to start using it again for Learning 2.0 and i'll be posting some responses to some of the more frequently asked questions I receive. If you have not already done so, I would suggest that you add your group members RSS feeds once you set up your google rss, or bloglines accounts. It's a great way of keeping up to date with your group members blogs!