Sunday, March 11, 2007

Conservapedia gives you the straight goods I tells ya

I've officially abandoned Wikipedia - it's just brimming with falsified entries by American bashing far-left types. Each article hosted in this faux encyclopedia is just replete with factual errors and anti-democratic vitriol gathered from Anti-Semitic literature and moldy copies of Pravda. Take Global Warming for example, the Wikipedia entry for this does not even discuss the concept of liberal science conspiracy or leftist control of granting agencies which only fund pro-Global Warming research! How can we take a Global Warming article seriously that doesn’t raise the serious dissident viewpoints advanced by scholarly sources such as Fox News? So, where does one turn to for an online encyclopedia that delivers the straight-goods? Conservapedia of course!

Don’t let the liberal media tell you what to think!


Anonymous said...

Interesting site, i have to say. though do i detect sarcasm in your endorsement? if so, you nearly had me fooled :)

as a wise man once said:

"There's an old saying in Tennessee...There's a saying in Texas, maybe it's in Tennessee. Fool me once, Shame on...(3 second pause)...Shame on you....(pause)...Fool me...(pause)...You can't get fooled again."

Brendan said...

Great site Alex. Finally, the REAL news, fair and balanced, and unafraid.

Alex said...

lol, actually my favourite Bushism there ...